Drawing inspiration from Psalm 119:176, which speaks of wandering like a lost sheep yet remaining steadfast in remembering divine commandments, my journey resonates deeply with this sentiment. My art serves as a diary through the spiritual realms of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, encapsulating the essence of seeking, wandering, and yearning for guidance.Through intricate layers of symbolism and visual storytelling, I cultivate empathy and understanding. Each piece portrays the metaphorical journey of the lost sheep, acting as a conduit for dialogue among diverse faiths and weaving a tapestry of shared experiences within a rich spiritual landscape.

My art serves as a medium for conveying the universal themes of seeking, exploring, and discovering across spiritual paths. It is a reflection of my personal quest while simultaneously aiming to resonate with and connect people from varying backgrounds, fostering empathy and understanding through collective human experiences.

In the soul-stirring depiction of the lost sheep, I challenge viewers to introspect on their own journeys, encouraging them to seek connection amidst differences and find solace in the shared human condition. Through this art, I aspire to create a sanctuary—a space where the wandering soul finds resonance, and the seeker discovers communal echoes within their own quest for meaning and understanding.